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Pre-course survey
Welcome to Meet the Planets
📖 Course Textbook (optional but recommended)
The Birth Chart 🌌 Recommended Reading
Meet the Birth Chart
How to get your birth chart
Astrology Symbols Cheat Sheet 👀
The Sun ☀️ Recommended Reading
Meet the Sun 🌞 Your ego drive and self-expression
Chart practice ⊙ Locate the Sun in some charts
Sun interpretation formula
Book of You: The Sun
How's it going?
The Moon 🌕 Recommended Reading
The Moon 🌙 your needs and emotions
Chart practice 🌝 Locate the Moon in some charts
Moon interpretation formula & examples
Book of You: The Moon
Mercury ☿ Recommended Reading
Mercury ☿ How your mind works
Chart practice ☿ Locate Mercury in some charts
Mercury interpretation formula and example
Book of You: Mercury
Venus ♀ Recommended Reading
Venus 😘 Goddess of love and pleasure
Chart practice ♀ Locate Venus in some charts
Venus interpretation formula
Book of You: Venus
Mars ♂ Recommended Reading
Mars ⚔️ God of strength and war
Chart practice ♂ Locate Mars in some charts
Mars interpretation formula
Book of You: Mars
Recommended Reading - Jupiter and Saturn
The Transpersonal • Social • Business planets
Reach out to Jupiter 🎓 the philosophical you
Sit with Saturn 🏔 your serious side
Jupiter and Saturn interpretation formulas
Book of You: Jupiter and Saturn
Collective/Outer planets ♅ ♆ ♇ Recommended reading
Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto ♅♆♇ the outer planets
Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto • interpretation formulas
Book of You: the outer planets

5.0 /5

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    Personal Planets

    The information about the personal planets is vital, to understanding ones self.

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    Great study materials and intro course

    There are really helpful tools in here that have staying power for a longer term relationship with the planets. This is jump starting my many decades-long interest in astrology to go more in depth!