Does this sound like you?

You have been studying astrology for a while now. You’ve put in the hours learning the technical ins and outs of astrology and practicing the art of interpreting planets, aspects, and other details.

Maybe you have even spent good money. You may have hundreds invested in books and courses. Or thousands in a multi-year program that teaches you all you ever wanted to know about charts.

But when it comes to the actual work of an astrologer

Sitting down with an actual client, and delivering an actual chart reading

You’re still not even sure where to start!

Perhaps you’ve already started doing readings. Your friends and clients are loving what you’re offering. Your readings go well, but you’re spending loads of time in advance of the meeting looking things up. And you’re not sure how to get to know a chart and prepare for a reading without taking forever.

If this sounds like you, then I created Roadmap to a Kick-Ass Reading specifically for you!

Work smarter, not harder!

  • Clear intake process

    Create a repeatable process to get all the important information, so you can get in your zone and not worry about the details.

  • Easy astrologer tricks

    Simple chart interpretation tips to help you jump-start your session and impress your client.

  • Save time and energy

    Develop a repeatable process that fits your brand, adapts to the way you work best, and lets you work smarter, not harder.

Here's what's in the course

    1. Download the notes (pdf)

    1. Part 1: Crafting your intake process

    2. Part 2: Preparing and delivering your reading

    3. Part 3: Professional Ethics, discussion

    1. Sample intake form

    2. Resources

About this course

  • $77.00
  • 6 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

You're a better astrologer than you think!


  • Am I required to take Birth Chart Clarity before taking this workshop?

    Birth Chart Clarity is a three-part introduction to the birth chart. You are not required to complete my Birth Chart Clarity courses before taking this workshop. BUT you will need to be familiar with the chart symbols and their interpretations (including aspects) to get the most out of this workshop.

    If you enjoy reading birth charts and are looking for some skills and guidelines for setting up and delivering a kick-ass reading, this workshop is perfect for you.

Here's what students are saying about Molly's classes

Molly Gauthier, CNTP

Sometimes I wish I could go back to the 1990s and discover astrology again. I remember being a new student, looking up my sign placements and aspects for the first time, finding all of these wonderful nuggets of truth and validation. The chart comes to life… and the light turns on.

I love that.

I help people who are excited about astrology take their knowledge and skills to the next level. I also practice medical astrology and nutrition therapy to help individuals identify and address deeper issues impacting their health.

If you have a question before enrolling, schedule a free 20-minute meeting.
Molly Gauthier