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Astrology Chart Overwhelm: The struggle is real!

Does this sound like you?

overwhelmed?Have you been trying to learn to read astrology charts for ages and it still hasn’t clicked?

If so, you’re not alone. Many new students of astrology begin to struggle when they move deeper into the astrological chart.

This may be because you’re picking up fragments of info from here and there. Sources like books, blogs, YouTube, memes, computer-generated chart readings, etc. At times you feel frustrated, because you’ve found some nuggets of interpretation that contradict other nuggets that you read somewhere else.

When you start getting into more advanced charting topics like aspects, you realize there are so many different directions to go, so many details. Without a clear system to help you understand the mechanics of the birth chart and pick out what’s most important, “Analysis Paralysis” can set in and frustrate your best efforts.

Some of you have even spent good money– hundreds or even thousands of dollars– on courses that didn’t get you where you wanted to go. 

You are not the first student to face these obstacles to learning astrology. And it isn’t your fault that the “light bulb” has not turned on for you yet. The struggle is real! But it doesn’t have to be.

You just need someone to help you break down the complexities of the astrology chart in a clear way so you can overcome the intimidation factor and read charts with more confidence.

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